News sheet - (Now issued monthly)

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

28th January - Presentation of Christ in the Temple

21st January - Third Sunday of Epiphany

14th January - Second Sunday of Epiphany

07th January - Epiphany


31st December - First Sunday of Christmas

24th December - Fourth Sunday of Advent - Christmas Eve

17th December - Third Sunday of Advent

Unfortunately the wrong set of readngs page has been added to this week's news sheet.  It is not the 5th Sunday of Lent 5 in 2024 yet!

10th December - Second Sunday of Advent

3rd December - First Sunday of Advent

26th November - Christ the King

19th November - Second Sunday before Advent

12th November - Third Sunday before Advent

5th November - All Saints' Sunday

29th October -Last Sunday of Trinity - Bible Sunday

22nd October - Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

15th October - Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

8th October - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

1st October - Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

24th September - Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

17th September - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

10th September - Fourteenth Sunday after Trinty

3rd September - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

* NEW *. September Service Rota for

Bradworthy, Ruby and Holsworthy Benefices

27th August - Twelfth Sunday after Trnity

20th August - Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

13th August - Tenth Sunday after Trinity

6th August - Transfiguration of Our Lord

30th July - Eighth Sunday after Trinity

23rd July - Seventh Sunday after Trinity

16th July - Sixth Sunday after Trinity

9th July - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

2nd July - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

25th June - Third Sunday after Trinity

18th June - Second Sunday after Trinity

11th June - First Sunday after Trinty

04 June - Trinity Sunday

28th May - Day of Pentecost

21st May - Seventh Sunday after Easter

14th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter

07th May - Fifth Sunday of Easter

30th April - Fourth Sunday of Easter

23rd April - Third Sunday of Easter

16th April - Second Sunday of Easter

9th April - Easter Sunday

2nd April - Palm Sunday

26th March - Fith Sunday of Lent

19th March - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Mothering Sunday

12th March - Third Sunday of Lent

5th March - Second Sunday of Lent

26th February - First Sunday of Lent

19th February - Sunday Before Lent

12th February - 2nd Sunday before Lent

5th February - 3rd Sunday before Lent

29th January - Plough Sunday

22nd January - 3rd Sunday of Epiphany

15th January - 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

8th January - Epiphany

1st January 2023 - Naming and Circumcision of Christ

25th December - Christmas Day

18th December - 4th Sunday of Advent

11th December - 3rd Sunday of Advent

4th December - 2nd Sunday of Advent

27th November - 1stt Sunday of Advent



20th November - Christ the King The Sunday next before Advent

13th November - 2nd Sunday before Advent; Remembrance Sunday

6th November - 3rd Sunday before Advent

30th October - 20th Sunday after Trinity (All Saints Day)

23rd October - 19th Sunday after Trinity (Bible Sunday)

16th October - 18th Sunday after Trinity

9th October - 17th Sunday after Trinity

2nd October - 16th Sunday after Trinity

25th September - 15th Sunday After Trinity

18th September - 14th Sunday After Trinity

11th September - 13th Suday After Trinity

4th September - 12th Sunday After Trinity

28th August - 11th Sunday After Trinity

21st August - 10th Sunday After Trinity

14th August - 9th Sunday After Trinity

7th August - 8th Sunday After Trinity

31st July - 7th Sunday After Trinity

24th July - 6th Sunday After Trinity

17th July - 5th Sunday After Trinity

10th July - 4th Sunday After Trinity

3rd July - 3rd Sunday After Trinity

26th June - 2nd Sunday After Trinity

19th June - 1st Sunday After Trinity

12th June - Trinity Sunday

5th June - Pentecost

29th May - 7th Sunday of Easter 

22nd May - 6th Sunday of Easter

15th May - 5th Sunday of Easter

8th May - 4th Sunday of Easter

1st May - 3rd Sunday of Easter

24th April - 2nd Sunday of Easter

17th April - Easter Sunday

10th April - Palm Sunday

3rd April - 5th Sunday of Lent - Passiontide Begins

27th March - 4th Sunday of Lent - Mothering Sunday

20th March - 3rd Sunday of Lent

13th March - 2nd Sunday of Lent

6th March - 1st Sunday of Lent

27th February - Sunday before Lent

20th February - 2nd Sunday before Lent

13th February - 3rd Sunday before Lent

6th February - 4th Sunday before Lent

30th January - Candlemas transferred

23rd January - Epiphany 3

16th January - Epiphany 2

9th January - Baptism of Christ

2nd January - Epiphany



26 December - First Sunday of Christmas

19 December Advent 4 - Mary

12 December Advent 3 - John The Baptist

05 December Advent 2 - Prophets

28 November Advent 1- Forefathers

21 November Christ The King

14 November 2nd Sunday before Advent

07 November 3rd Sunday before Advent

31 October All Saints

24 October Trinity 21

17 October Trinity 20

10 October Trinity 19

03 October Trinity 18

26 September Trinity 17

19 September Trinity 16

12 September Trinity 15

05 September Trinity 14

29 August Trinity 13

22 August Trinity 12

15 August The Blessed Virgin Mary

08 August The Transfiguration

01 August Trinity 9

25 July St James

18 July Trinity 7

11 July Trinity 6

04 July Trinity 5

27 June Trinity 4

20 June Trinity 3

13 June Trinity 2

06 June Trinity 1

30 May Trinity Sunday

23 May Pentecost

16 May  Easter 7

09 May Easter 6

02 May Easter 5

25 April Easter 4

18 April Easter 3

04 and 11 April  Easter Sunday and Easter 2

28 March Palm Sunday

21 March 5th Sunday of Lent - Passiontide

14 March 4th Sunday of Lent - Mothering Sunday

07 March 3rd Sunday of Lent

28 February 2nd Sunday of Lent

21 February 1st Sunday of Lent

14 February Sunday before Lent

07 Ferbruary 2nd Sunday before Lent

31 January Candlemas

24 January Epihany 3

17 January Epihany 2

10 January Baptism of Christ

03 January The Epiphany of our Lord



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