The Pretty Maid

Pretty Maid 2024 - Miss Freya Godfrey

Photos by Rodney Parrish


Pretty Maid 2023 - Bronte Stevens

Photos by Rodney Parrish


Pretty Maid 2022 - Tegan Watson-Bell

 Photo by Dawn Bewes

The blessing of the Pretty Maid
Almighty God bless this your servant Tegan
that she may be a good example for the Town of Holsworthy.
Bless her in all that she does as the Pretty Maid
and give her the wisdom, courage and strength that she needs,
in the name of the + Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.   Amen.

Pretty Maid 2021 - Alisha Squirrell

 Photos: Rodney Parrish

 Photo: Dawn Bewes

Pretty Maid 2020 - Harriet Cousins

Photo: Mick Burke

Due to the covid pandemic there was not a St Peter's Fair in 2020. But there is still a Pretty Maid. Harriet Cousins was asked to stay on as the Pretty Maid for a second year. All were delighted that Harriet agreed. 

Each year the Pretty Maid is given money from the charity to buy an outfit for Fair Day.  Due to the Pandemic there was no Fair Day in 2020. Harriet donated the money to Holsworthy Covid Mutual Aid. The photo shows Harriet donating the money to the 4 Co-ordinators of the Holsworthy Covid Mutual Aid.

 Photo: Mick Burke

Pretty Maid 2019 - Harriet Cousins



































 Photos: John Powers

Pretty Maid 2018 - Lizzy Flaherty

 Photos: Dawn Bewes

Pretty Maid 2017 - Alice Banks



 Photos: Dawn Bewes

Pretty Maid 2016 - Eloise Warren

Photo: Mary Beckford



St Peter's Fair

About the Fair

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