The draw runs April to March each year. You must be 16 or over to enter.
You can join at any time, speak to the treasurer for more information.
St Peter’s Monthly Jackpot Draw
Ticket renewals for 2024/25 are now due.
Tickets are again, only £12 for the year.
If you would like to renew your ticket(s), please could you make payment as follows:
· online payment - A/c name - PCC of Holsworthy Parish Church
Sort Code 53 50 52
A/c Number 05007216
Please use surname and/or ticket number(s) as a reference
· cheque made payable to ‘PCC of Holsworthy Parish Church’
· cash
Please deliver cheque or cash to Helen Flaherty c/o The Rectory, Bodkin Street, Holsworthy EX22 6BH
If you would like more tickets (you can have as many as you like) or know of anyone else who might wish to support Holsworthy Parish Church in this way, please email Helen at treasurerholsworthy@
Renewals should be made by 19th April.
You can have a many tickets as you like,
so if you would like more, please let me know.
The more tickets that are in the draw, the higher the prizes will be.
How much to pay (needs to arrive by the 15th of each month);
For the April draw it is for the year and is £12
For the May draw it is for 11 months and is £11
For the June draw it is for 10 months and is £10
For the July draw it is for 9 months and is £9
For the August draw it is for 8 months and is £8
For the September draw it is for 7 months and is £7
For the October draw it is for 6 months and is £6
For the November draw it is for 5 months and is £5
For the December draw it is for 4 months and is £4
For the January draw it is for 3 months and is £3
For the February draw it is for 2 months and is £2
For the March draw it is for 1 month and is £1